(Quick Reference)

4 Plugin features - Reference Documentation

Authors: Franjo Žilić

Version: 0.0.3

4 Plugin features

MyBatis plugin has extra features which can be used if needed


  • Optimistic Locking
  • Multivendor database dynamic querry support
  • Custom TypeHandlers

4.1 Optimistic locking

Optimistic locking in this plugin is based on Hibernate optimistic locking idea.

To enable optimistic locking for our Person class we have to add id and version properties and static that enables optimistic locking for this class.

package org.grails.mybatis.example

class Person { def static useOptimisticLocking = true

Integer id Integer version String firstName String lastName Integer age }

We have to modify our mapping xml to support optimistic locking and new properties. Simply querying for object version is not enough so we should also add an insert and update query.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="org.grails.mybatis.example.person">

<select id="loadCurrentVersionOfPersonById" resultType="integer" parameterType="integer"> SELECT VERSION FROM PERSON WHERE ID = #{value} </select>

<select id="loadAllPersonList" resultMap="basicPersonMap"> SELECT * FROM PERSON </select>

<select id="loadPersonById" resultMap="basicPersonMap"> SELECT * FROM PERSON WHERE ID = #{value} </select>

<resultMap type="org.grails.mybatis.example.Person" id="basicPersonMap"> <id property="id" column="ID" javaType="Integer" /> <result property="version" column="VERSION" javaType="Integer"/> <result property="firstName" column="FIRST_NAME" /> <result property="lastName" column="LAST_NAME"/> <result property="age" column="AGE"/> </resultMap>

<insert id="insertPerson" parameterType="org.grails.mybatis.example.Person"> <selectKey keyProperty="id" resultType="integer" order="BEFORE"> SELECT COALESCE(MAX(ID), 0) + 1 FROM PERSON </selectKey> INSERT INTO PERSON (ID, VERSION, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, AGE) VALUES (#{id}, #{version}, #{firstName}, #{lastName}, #{age}) </insert>

<update id="updatePerson" parameterType="org.grails.mybatis.example.Person"> UPDATE PERSON SET VERSION = #{version}, FIRST_NAME = #{firstName}, LAST_NAME = #{lastName}, AGE = #{age} WHERE ID = #{id} </update>


Now we can modify PersonGatewayTests

package org.grails.mybatis.example

import groovy.sql.Sql

class PersonGatewayTests extends GroovyTestCase {

/** * Dependency injection is used to test Gateway artefacts */ def dataSource def personGateway

protected void setUp() throws Exception { def sql = new Sql(dataSource) sql.execute("""CREATE TABLE PERSON ( ID INTEGER NOT NULL, VERSION INTEGER NOT NULL, FIRST_NAME VARCHAR(30), LAST_NAME VARCHAR(30), AGE INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (ID) )""") }

protected void tearDown() throws Exception { def sql = new Sql(dataSource) sql.execute("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS PERSON""") }

void testDependencies() { assert dataSource assert personGateway }

void testPersonInsert() { Person data = new Person(firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', age: 50)


def databaseData = new Sql(dataSource).firstRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON")

assert databaseData["ID"] == 1 assert databaseData["VERSION"] == 1 assert databaseData["FIRST_NAME"] == 'John' assert databaseData["LAST_NAME"] == 'Doe' assert databaseData["AGE"] == 50

assert data.id == 1 assert data.version == 1 }

void testLoadPersonById() { Person data = new Person(firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', age: 50)


Person fromDb = personGateway.loadPersonById(data.id)

assert fromDb assert fromDb.id == data.id assert fromDb.version == data.version assert fromDb.firstName == data.firstName }

void testPersonUpdate() { Person data = new Person(firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', age: 50)


assert data.version == 1 assert data.age == 50

Person fromDb = personGateway.loadPersonById(data.id)

assert fromDb.id == 1 assert fromDb.version == 1 assert fromDb.age == 50

data.age = 33


assert data.version == 2 assert data.age == 33

fromDb = personGateway.loadPersonById(data.id)

assert fromDb.version == 2 assert fromDb.age == 33

new Sql(dataSource).execute("UPDATE PERSON SET VERSION = 7, AGE = 29 WHERE ID = 1")

shouldFail { data.firstName = 'Mark' personGateway.updatePerson(data) }


void testLoadAllPersonList() { personGateway.insertPerson(new Person(firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', age: 20)) personGateway.insertPerson(new Person(firstName: 'Mark', lastName: 'Miles', age: 23))

def results = personGateway.loadAllPersonList()

assert results assert results.size() == 2 assert results[0] instanceof Person assert results[0].firstName == 'John' assert results[1].firstName == 'Mark' }


4.2 Multivendor database dynamic querry support


Add following to your configuration if you want to support H2, Microsoft SQL and IBM Informix databases

mybatis.multivendor.enabled = true

mybatis.multivendor.mapping = [ 'Microsoft SQL Server': 'mssql', 'H2': 'h2', 'Informix Dynamic Server': 'informix' ]

Mapper support

Let's say you want to query a databse for persons full name. You have to concat two fields in legacy PERSON table, here is sample mapper to do just that.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="org.grails.mybatis.example.person">

<sql id="fullNameDatabaseSpecificQuery"> <choose> <when test="_databaseId == 'mssql'">FIRST_NAME + ' ' + LAST_NAME</when> <when test="_databaseId == 'informix'">FIRST_NAME || ' ' || LAST_NAME</when> <otherwise>CONCAT(FIRST_NAME, ' ', LAST_NAME</otherwise> </choose> </sql>

<select id="loadPersonFullNameById>" resultType="String" parameterType="Integer"> SELECT <include refid="fullNameDatabaseSpecificQuery"/> FROM PERSON WHERE ID = #{value} </select>


4.3 Custom TypeHandlers

What are TypeHandlers

Type handlers are used for data transformation. For example, you are connecting to a legacy database that stores list of data in a single VARCHAR field, and each item is enclosed with brackets. You have to extract that data, and you can do it with a custom type handler.

Writing a TypeHandler

TypeHandlers are artefact classes which should be placed in grails-app/typeHandlers and end with "TypeHandler"

package org.grails.mybatis.example

import java.sql.CallableStatement import java.sql.PreparedStatement import java.sql.ResultSet import java.sql.SQLException

import org.apache.ibatis.type.BaseTypeHandler import org.apache.ibatis.type.JdbcType import org.apache.ibatis.type.MappedJdbcTypes import org.apache.ibatis.type.MappedTypes

@MappedJdbcTypes(JdbcType.VARCHAR) @MappedTypes([List]) class ExampleTypeHandler extends BaseTypeHandler<List<String>>{ def static dataSourceName = 'dataSource'

@Override public void setNonNullParameter(PreparedStatement statement, int index, List<String> parameter, JdbcType jdbcType) throws SQLException { def builder = "" as StringBuilder

parameter.each { builder += "[$it]" }

statement.setString(index, builder.toString()) }

List<String> decodeValue(String value) { def matcher = value =~ /[(.*?)]/ def results = []

matcher.each { results << it[1] }

return results }

@Override public List<String> getNullableResult(ResultSet resultSet, String columnName) throws SQLException { def encoded = resultSet.getString(columnName) return decodeValue(encoded) }

@Override public List<String> getNullableResult(ResultSet resultSet, int columnIndex) { def encoded = resultSet.getString(columnIndex) return decodeValue(encoded) }

@Override public List<String> getNullableResult(CallableStatement statement, int columnIndex) throws SQLException { def encoded = statement.getString(columnIndex) return decodeValue(encoded) } }

You have to register that type handler to a specific MyBatis result using typeHanlder attribute in mapper file.

Custom Enum type handlers

From time to time old databases store some enumerated information in a specific way (single character). If you need to map such values to your enums it can be done by extending AbstractEnumTypeHandler class provided in this plugin

package org.grails.plugins.mybatis.enums

enum SampleEnum { VALUE_ONE('O'), VALUE_TWO('T')

String dbCode

SampleEnum(dbCode){ this.dbCode = dbCode } }

package org.grails.plugins.mybatis.enums

class SampleEnumTypeHandler extends AbstractEnumTypeHandler<SampleEnum> { SampleEnumTypeHandler() { super(SampleEnum, "dbCode") } }